Making money from stock market is very can earn some good profit from this market,
If you remember some line-you never lose one taka in this business,
1.try to invest fundamentally strong share.
2.listen rumour -but never blindly follow it.
3.always invest your additional money-never invest your daily maintenance money for quick profit.
4.always invest your money atleast targeting 3 month-never invest for one week,

if you follow 4 rules-you never lose money and will make profit from stock market and don't need any advise


The Board of Directors of the company has approved the Price Sensitive Information as under: The Board of Directors in its meeting held on 27.01.09 has been informed by 5 (five) Sponsors Shareholders namely Mrs. Hosne Ara Khan, Mr. Aminur Reza Khan, Mr. A. R. Khan, Mr. Kazi Anwar Ahmed and Mrs. Nahreen Mahmud that they have entered into an agreement through a MOU with ICB to sell their entire holdings of 35,92,500 shares of Tk. 10.00 each out of 1,04,00,000 paid-up shares of the company outside the trading floor of the Exchanges. The MOU also stipulates that ICB will induct 03 (three) Directors and will hold the position of Chairman of the Board. The above arrangement of selling-buying of shares is subject to the approval of SEC and other concerned authorities.


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