what's your buying list next day
dear friend. i start buying leasing...and already bought some bank.
what's your buying list?
power.oil.bank etc
stock market research,investment plan,stock news,share price,buy-sell,stock market news,
dear friend. i start buying leasing...and already bought some bank.
what's your buying list?
power.oil.bank etc
The Bank has informed that the Board of Directors has approved the revaluation of Bank's following assets conducted by Geodetic Survey Corporation Ltd.: 1. Lands revalued from Book Value of Tk. 75.14 crore to Tk. 130.49 crore i.e. increased by Tk. 55.34 crore and 2. Buildings revalued from Book Value of Tk. 38.17 crore to Tk. 66.67 crore i.e. increased by Tk. 28.50 crore.
Read more...good day coming all power stock holder specially summit power...
you can sell your summit upto 1050 tk easily.
FINANCE sector is a finest and coolest sector for your valuable investment,
you can earn good fruit...if you invest finance sector for 2 month
As per audited accounts as on 30.06.08, the Company has reported profit after tax of Tk. 0.21 m. with EPS of Tk. 2.69 as against Tk. 0.32 m. and Tk. 4.04 respectively as on 30.06.07.
Read more...In response to a DSE query regarding acquisition....read more
2 day ago.some of my friend told me that -a gambling will be start very soon on apex weav,
check out this link-here
The Bank has informed that the Board of Directors has accepted the revaluation of the Bank's fixed assets which has been increased by Tk. 29.60 crore in total. The revalued amount will be accounted for in the Balance Sheet as at 31.12.08 of the Bank.
Read more...DO YOU KNOW?
ulc is a best company for your valuable investment
FROM past 3 day. city bank's turn over increase abnormally,
who sell this at lower price?who buying and why?
WHEN market is rising{on the way of rise}, you can earn more profit from stock- which have your account,this is very easy-
suppose you bought "a" company's stock for 100 taka-after 2 day it's prise is increase at 106 taka.
now what you do?
you sell your stock or buy more for increasing your profit.as you wish,
but you should'nt sell that stock at a lower profit when this start running,
[nb: this system works very well for fundamentally strong or future strong based share]
i've observed past 3 day jamuna and meghna oil's stock turn over.......found some thing.
jamuna oil
As per audited accounts as on 30.06.08, the Company has reported profit after tax of Tk. 3.79 m. with EPS of Tk. 4.30 as against net loss of Tk. (5.74) m. and EPS of Tk. (6.51) as on 30.06.07. Accumulated loss of the Company was Tk. (92.40) m. as on 30.06.08. The company has also reported that the production activities of the company is permanently suspended and there is no operational income of the company.
Read more...IN BANGLADESH leasing company had great significant and they were playing a great rule for our economy,
most of leasing company are listed in stock exchange and every company has strong fundamental position,
but you can't buy/sell every stock due to insufficient money,
here is some useful line for you---
i've observed daily turn over of summit from 14-12-08
14-12-08 turnover total 197400 share
15-12-08 turnover total 96800 share
17-12-08 turnover total 125700 share
18-12-08 turnover total 279850 share
SEC has arranged 'Investors Awareness Programme' for general investors and invites active participation for taking proper investment decision in the capital market of the country. The awareness programme shall be held on 2nd and 4th Wednesday and Thursday of each month during office hours (10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) up to June 2009. If any of those day(s) fall in government holiday(s) the programme will be held on the following working day(s). Each session will cover the following topics: 1. Functions of Securities and Exchange Commission and Stock Exchange, 2. Investment in Primary Market (IPO), 3. Investment in Secondary Market and 4. Central Depository System.The programme will be free of cost but pre-enrollment/registration is mandatory. Total participants for each session will be 30. Contact : Personal Officer, Public Reference Room, Securities and Exchange Commission, Jiban Bima Tower (20th floor), 10, Dilkusha C/A. Dhaka-1000. Phone # 9568101-2/58.
Read more...On the close of operation on November 30, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 2.52 per unit at current market price basis and Tk. 2.24 at cost price basis against face value of Tk. 1.00 whereas Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 42,29,24,831.00.
Read more...Scheme Two: On the close of operation on November 30, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 10.51 per unit at current market price basis and Tk. 10.50 at cost price basis against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 131,41,58,027.00.
Read more...On the close of operation on November 30, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 26.48 per unit at current market price basis and Tk. 22.70 at cost price basis against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 45,01,46,849.00.
Read more...The Board of Directors has recommended cash dividend @ 10% for the year 2007-2008. Date of AGM: 31.12.08, Time: 12:30 PM, Book closure: 24.12.08 to 31.12.08. Other information regarding AGM to be notified later.
Read more...As per audited accounts as on 31.08.08, the Company has reported profit after tax of Tk. 0.76 m. with EPS of Tk. 37.81 as against Tk. 17.99 m. and Tk. 899.57 respectively as on 31.08.07. The company has also reported that during the year it did not receive/earn any operational/revenue income.
Read more...The company has also reported that profit after tax of the company was Tk. 9.94 m. with EPS of Tk. 44.00 as on 30.06.08 as against Tk. 6.43 m. and Tk. 28.45 respectively as on 30.06.07.
Read more...The Board of Directors has recommended cash dividend @ 6% for the year 2007-2008. Date of AGM : 30.12.08, Time: 12:15 PM, Venue: 82/8, North Jatrabari, Dhaka. Book closure : 26.12.08 to 30.12.08.
Read more...How much is a company worth and is that value reflected in the stock price?
There are several ways to define a company’s worth or value. One of the ways you define value is market cap or how much money would you need to buy every single share of stock at the current price.
Another way to determine a company’s value is to go to the balance statement and look at the Book Value. The Book Value is simply the company’s assets minus its liabilities.
Book Value = Assets - Liabilities
In other words, if you wanted to close the doors, how much would be left after you settled all the outstanding obligations and sold off all the assets.
A company that is a viable growing business will always be worth more than its book value for its ability to generate earnings and growth.
Book value appeals more to value investors who look at the relationship to the stock's price by using the Price to Book ratio.
To compare companies, you should convert to book value per share, which is simply the book value divided by outstanding shares.
Read more...If there is one number that people look at than more any other it is the Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E). The P/E is one of those numbers that investors throw around with great authority as if it told the whole story. Of course, it doesn’t tell the whole story (if it did, we wouldn’t need all the other numbers.)
The P/E looks at the relationship between the stock price and the company’s earnings. The P/E is the most popular metric of stock analysis, although it is far from the only one you should consider.
You calculate the P/E by taking the share price and dividing it by the company’s EPS.
P/E = Stock Price / EPS
For example, a company with a share price of 40tk and an EPS of 8 would have a P/E of 5 (40 / 8 = 5tk).
What does P/E tell you? The P/E gives you an idea of what the market is willing to pay for the company’s earnings. The higher the P/E the more the market is willing to pay for the company’s earnings. Some investors read a high P/E as an overpriced stock and that may be the case, however it can also indicate the market has high hopes for this stock’s future and has bid up the price.
Conversely, a low P/E may indicate a “vote of no confidence” by the market or it could mean this is a sleeper that the market has overlooked. Known as value stocks, many investors made their fortunes spotting these “diamonds in the rough” before the rest of the market discovered their true worth.
What is the “right” P/E? There is no correct answer to this question, because part of the answer depends on your willingness to pay for earnings. The more you are willing to pay, which means you believe the company has good long term prospects over and above its current position, the higher the “right” P/E is for that particular stock in your decision-making process. Another investor may not see the same value and think your “right” P/E is all wrong. The articles in this series:
if you have a small money(50000-200000),then go to selected bank which have good prospect-such as uttara.ncc.nbl etc
if you're a medium investor,go to some bank and power sector-such as summit,desco etc
The only time a bear market is bad for you is when you need your money immediately. For those who are investing with a time frame of ten or more years, declining prices represent only one thing: the opportunity to buy more of their favorite company at a lower price. It's kind of like a giant garage sale where the lady of the house decides she wants new drapes and, as a result, decides to sell all of her living room furniture for half price. It doesn't have to make sense to the buyer. Indeed, a smart one would jump at the opportunity. All too often, investors try to convince the woman that she shouldn't be selling her coffee table to them for so cheap.
Read more...The first thing you need to do is to look for companies and funds that are going to be fine ten or twenty years down the road. If the market crashed tomorrow and caused AMCL(pran)'s stock price to fall 30%, people are still going to buy pran's product. The basics of the business haven't changed.
You must learn to separate the stock price from the underlying business. They have very little to do with each other over the short-term. When you understand this, you will see falling stock markets like a clearance sale at your favorite furniture store; load up on it while you can, because history has borne out that prices will eventually return to more reasonable levels.
2.) Falling stock prices and depressed markets are the friend of the long-term, value investor.
In other words, if you invest with the intent to hold your investments for decades, a bear market is a great opportunity to buy. It always amazes me that the "experts" advocate selling after the market has fallen. The time to sell was before your stocks lost value. If they know everything about your money, why they didn't warn you the crash was coming in the first place?
A market maker is a bank or brokerage company that stands ready every second of the trading day with a firm ask and bid price. This is good for you, because when you place an order to sell your thousand shares of Disney, the market maker will actually purchase the stock from you, even if he doesn't have a seller lined up. In doing so, they are literally "making a market" for the stock.
How do Market Makers make their Money?
Market Makers must be compensated for the risk they take; what if he buys your shares in AGNI then AGNI's stock price begins to fall before a willing buyer has purchased the shares? To prevent this, the market maker maintains a spread on each stock he covers.the market maker may purchase your shares of AGNI from you for 47tk each (the ask price) and then offer to sell them to a buyer at 48tk (bid). The difference between the ask and bid price is only 1tk but by trading millions of shares a day, he's managed to pocket a significant chunk of change to offset his risk.
On the close of operation on November 30, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 519.27 per unit on current market price basis and Tk. 137.17 per unit on cost price basis against face value of Tk. 100.00 whereas Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 6,85,84,432.35.
Read more...The Bank has informed that Hon'ble High Court had been pleased to confirm alterations in the Memorandum of Association of the Bank regarding change of name of the Bank from 'FIRST SECURITY BANK LIMITED' to 'FIRST SECURITY ISLAMI BANK LIMITED' with a view to convert the current conventional system based bank into full-fledged Islami Shariah based Bank. However, the process (to make the said alteration, amendments and change of name effective) are not yet completed but are in near completion. As and when it would be decided by the Directors of the Bank, the matter would be notified to all concerned as required by law.
Read more...On the close of operation on 30.11.08, the ICB Mutual Funds have reported Net Asset Value (NAV) for First ICB M.F. of Tk. 4,308.99, Second ICB M. F. of Tk. 817.93, Third ICB M. F. of Tk. 682.03, Fourth ICB M. F. of Tk. 746.89, Fifth ICB M.F. of Tk. 695.32, Sixth ICB M. F. of Tk. 271.88, Seventh ICB M. F. of Tk. 377.14 and Eighth ICB M.F. of Tk. 307.21 per unit on current market price basis against face value of Tk. 100 each.
Read more...On the close of operation on November 27, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value ( NAV ) of Tk. 95.38 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 104.69 on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 100.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 95,37,90,723.45 on the basis of market price and Tk. 1,04,68,96,161.84 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund.
Read more...On the close of operation on November 27, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value ( NAV ) of Tk. 170.05 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 164.99 on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 100.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 17,00,47,025.86 on the basis of market price and Tk. 16,49,90,788.61 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund.
Read more...As per audited accounts as on 30.06.08, the company has reported profit after tax of Tk. 23.48 m. with EPS of Tk. 1.22 as against Tk. 2.94 m. and Tk. 0.15 respectively as on 30.06.07.
Read more...On the close of operation on November 27, 2008, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value ( NAV ) of Tk. 189.44 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 148.52 on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 100.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 18,94,44,618.39 on the basis of market price and Tk. 14,85,15,748.47 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund.
Read more...The company has declared interim dividend @ 115% (Tk. 11.50 per share of Tk. 10.00 each) for the year 2008 based on company performance from 1st January to 30th June 2008 and retained earnings up to 31st December 2007. Record Date for entitlement of interim dividend: 23.12.08.
Read more...The company has informed that SEC has given consent to issue a Mutual Fund namely Prime Finance First Mutual Fund of Tk. 200 million divided into 20 million units of Tk. 10 each. The basic features of the Mutual Fund will be as follows: 1. Name of the Fund: Prime Finance First Mutual Fund, 2. Nature of the Fund: Closed End, 3. Sponsor of the Fund: Prime Finance & Investment Ltd., 4. Sponsor's Contribution: Tk. 40 million, 5. Private Placement: Tk. 60 million, 6. Initial Public Offer (IPO): Tk. 100 million, 7. Trustee: Investment Corporation of Bangladesh and 8. Asset Manager: ICB Asset Management Company Ltd.
Read more...The company has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to sponsor a Mutual Fund of Tk. 1,000 million subject to the approval of SEC. The basic features of the Mutual Fund will be as follows: 1. Name of the Fund: Prime Finance Second Mutual Fund, 2. Nature of the Fund: Closed End, 3. Sponsor of the Fund: Prime Finance & Investment Ltd., 4. Sponsor's Contribution: Tk. 100 million and 5. IPO and Private Placement: Tk. 900 million.
Read more...The company has reported that profit after tax of the company was Tk. 4218.21 m. with EPS of Tk. 49.25 as on 30.06.08 as against Tk. 2575.24 m. and Tk. 30.07 respectively as on 30.06.07.
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