Making money from stock market is very can earn some good profit from this market,
If you remember some line-you never lose one taka in this business,
1.try to invest fundamentally strong share.
2.listen rumour -but never blindly follow it.
3.always invest your additional money-never invest your daily maintenance money for quick profit.
4.always invest your money atleast targeting 3 month-never invest for one week,

if you follow 4 rules-you never lose money and will make profit from stock market and don't need any advise


SEC has arranged 'Investors Awareness Programme' for general investors and invites active participation for taking proper investment decision in the capital market of the country. The awareness programme shall be held on 2nd and 4th Wednesday and Thursday of each month during office hours (10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) up to June 2009. If any of those day(s) fall in government holiday(s) the programme will be held on the following working day(s). Each session will cover the following topics: 1. Functions of Securities and Exchange Commission and Stock Exchange, 2. Investment in Primary Market (IPO), 3. Investment in Secondary Market and 4. Central Depository System.The programme will be free of cost but pre-enrollment/registration is mandatory. Total participants for each session will be 30. Contact : Personal Officer, Public Reference Room, Securities and Exchange Commission, Jiban Bima Tower (20th floor), 10, Dilkusha C/A. Dhaka-1000. Phone # 9568101-2/58.


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