Making money from stock market is very can earn some good profit from this market,
If you remember some line-you never lose one taka in this business,
1.try to invest fundamentally strong share.
2.listen rumour -but never blindly follow it.
3.always invest your additional money-never invest your daily maintenance money for quick profit.
4.always invest your money atleast targeting 3 month-never invest for one week,

if you follow 4 rules-you never lose money and will make profit from stock market and don't need any advise


i've observed past 3 day jamuna and meghna oil's stock turn over.......found some thing.

jamuna oil

  • 18/12/08 turn over 149300 volume,open-128,close-132.4
  • 21/12/08 turn over 119200 volume,open-139.5,close-137
  • 22/12/08 turn over 199000 volume,open-138.close-142.6
  1. jamuna oil yearly low-122.5 and high-952
  2. average price-145
  3. price range-122.5 to 162.5 (if buying price is this range.will make profit)
price is very low and attractive for short term holder [if political issue is'nt change].this is a good buying position,

meghna oil(mpetrolium)

  • 18/12/08 turn over 103700,open price-119.9,close-122
  • 21/12/08 turn over 159600,open-125,close-127
  • 22/12/08 turn over 236600,open-128.9,close-136.5
  1. mpetrolium yearly low-114.5 taka and high-445 taka
  2. average price-138.251
  3. price range-114.5 to 158
  4. icb sold out 92% share.only 8% share are remain holding,


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