Making money from stock market is very can earn some good profit from this market,
If you remember some line-you never lose one taka in this business,
1.try to invest fundamentally strong share.
2.listen rumour -but never blindly follow it.
3.always invest your additional money-never invest your daily maintenance money for quick profit.
4.always invest your money atleast targeting 3 month-never invest for one week,

if you follow 4 rules-you never lose money and will make profit from stock market and don't need any advise

If you are a long-term investor, falling prices are a blessing

The only time a bear market is bad for you is when you need your money immediately. For those who are investing with a time frame of ten or more years, declining prices represent only one thing: the opportunity to buy more of their favorite company at a lower price. It's kind of like a giant garage sale where the lady of the house decides she wants new drapes and, as a result, decides to sell all of her living room furniture for half price. It doesn't have to make sense to the buyer. Indeed, a smart one would jump at the opportunity. All too often, investors try to convince the woman that she shouldn't be selling her coffee table to them for so cheap.


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